Wednesday, February 8, 2012


SO ... beginning of another year. As most of you follow us on FB i haven't tended to update this quite as much... just remember no news is GOOD news :) We have MRI scan and reviews coming up this month... getting that angsty feeling again although I know all will be fine - IT HAS TO BE! he has come way to far for this horrible disease to raise its ugly head. School will be a bit of a challenge as Indra still suffers fatigue but he is determined to pass year 11 and 12! He just returned from a trip to Sydney where he got to do amazing things with Camp Quality... climbing the harbour bridge was one of them!!!! Photos to come soon xxx


Anonymous said...

I didn't realise Inj had climbed the Harbour bridge, he really is an inspiration. Whenever I feel remotely sorry for myself I think "Indra" and it doesn't take long to kick myself up the backside. He is remarkable and just looking at that gorgeous photo, there was a fresh faced 12 yr old when we first met you and now there is a rather handsome, very grown up young man. He was always very handsome but to see him now, stood tall after all he has been through is amazing. Then there is the wonderful family he is surrounded by and most importantly his wonderful mum and of course dad. How on earth you have managed to create a new normality, nurse your wonderful boy back to health, go back to work, create the next David Beckham and support your gorgeous 21 yr old as well, I'll never know. On top of that maintain a wonderful marriage which must have been under enormous strain. We have walked just a little in your shoes, just a tiny spec in comparison really and it is exhausting and draining on all levels. We love you all to bits, I cannot really put in to words my admiration and my affection. We will always be here if you need anything. It goes to show what a beautiful family you and Ricky have created. To add to that to have such a wonderful sister in Terri. xxxxxx

Karen Giyanto said...

Thanks Kate - we think you are pretty awesome too xxx